Posted by : Unknown Monday, May 28, 2012

This Memorial Day weekend, my family honored my cousin by having the road my Grandmother, Aunt and Uncle and his family live on renamed for him.

This was a huge deal because my cousin was a staff seargant in the Marine Corps. He gave his life in Afghanistan about a year ago - he was 34.

The saddest part is that he left three young sons who are about three years old, two years old and five months - his wife was preganant with the youngest when my cousin was killed. So although his children may never have any memory of their father, hopefully seeing that he has a street named after him will give them some understanding of how special he was.

The street renaming ceremony gave me the opportunity to try out my new camera while documenting the event (I want to create a keepsake from the ceremony to give to my family. I plan to put the photos on a DVD with voice overs from family members I interviewed after the ceremony.) This is one of the favorite shots I took.

Military members from all around attended the event; many didn't even know my cousin, but they came out to honor a fallen comrade. During the ceremony we honored service members. This shot is of the Marine Corps color guard and a wounded veteran making their way to the stage to receive recognition for their service. It was a very touching moment, and I have to say, as someone who's just getting into photography, I'm proud of myself for capturing it.

Although I don't support war, I do have a lot of regard for the people who serve in our armed services. Happy Memorial day everybody.

5 Responses so far.

  1. I am for your loss and the loss of your family. Well captured.

  2. i'm beginning to think that war is a eventuality of man. the minor differences between us start of as curiosity, creep towards apprehension, and race towards fear. the path of least resistance is to remove the fear my removing what makes you fearful. while hard to aim, guns are easy to shoot. low hanging fruit.

  3. the picture is pretty dope. did you have to squat to get that angle? seated? indian style? probably that puerile ass indian style.

  4. I took the picture standing, but leaning over. It wasn't quite the angle I was going for, but it was an unexpected moment, so I had to take the picture quickly. Cropping it made it more dynamic as well.

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