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Tuesday, December 11, 2012
I ran across this when I was up reading one sleepless night:
When faced with a difficult life decision, I pray for a clear sign that will direct me closer to my best self. And by clear sign, I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm actually looking for ways to align reality with my vision of the best possible outcome.Our intuition is always trying to get us where we need to go in the best possible way. Sometimes this involves letting go of things that we are very attached to, and it may feel as if our life is falling apart. If we are pushed to let go of something, it may be because we no longer need it, or it's time for it to change form. - Shakti Gawain
The passage reinforced a lesson I know but am still struggling to own: I can't control everything. Asking a higher power for help involves surrender. Therefore, I can't get upset and disregard it when I receive an answer I don't like instead of the pleasing one I was looking for. After all, why ask the source of infinite knowledge for insight if I'm not going to trust it??
It's a waste of time, effort and ultimately life to work in opposition of what's for me. I can do it but when I do, I'm wasting energy trying to maintain what I think will make me happy, something that needs to go so I can obtain what will truly make me happy.
Whether I like it or not, I need to accept that something being forced out of my life is the clearest sign I can get. It may be painful, but I have to be willing to accept that risk when I ask for help on this journey. Nobody said it was going to be easy.
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