Posted by : Unknown Monday, April 27, 2015

Starting from the time I was born, I've always had a strange fascination with my feet.  I really don't like anything covering them and I abhor toe jam.  Absolutely, abhor.  Thirty-odd years later, my mom still laughs when she tells stories of how as I baby she'd try to keep socks on me.  But as soon as she'd put them on, I'd take them off and start cleaning any lint left between my toes.  And, 30 odd years later, she's still fussing at me to stop walking around the house barefoot.

So, imagine my surprise when as a little girl sitting at my Grandaddy's feet as he put socks on, I realized my feet looked just like his.  And let me tell you, my Grandaddy had some strong genes because just about everyone in my family has this man's hands and feet lol

Fast forward some years to when as a young adult and I began wondering what mark I would leave on this world.  Up until about four years ago if you'd asked me what it would be, I would have told you I wanted to write something beautiful that would inspire and be quoted by many people.  Now, that would still be nice, but I've really started to understand the importance of family. 

So, maybe my mark will simply be having a grandchild look back and remember me crawling around on the floor with them (Mema) or being told to "shake a tailfeather or say good morning, one" (Grandaddy).  And you know what, that's more than okay because in my opinion, that's what this life is all about.  If I can touch at least one person to the point where my memory lives on through them, then I did something right.

The slideshow has music, so make sure your sound is up :-)

Oh yea, and for what it's worth, this is the post I promised a couple of weeks back.  I had to put the slideshow of my grandparents together, so I hope you all enjoyed and that it was worth the wait.

Until next time...

~ With ♥ from Halima

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