Posted by : Unknown Sunday, August 31, 2014

Right before I went on my summer hiatus, I adopted a dog, Nellie.

The last couple of months have been tiring as we've been adjusting, training and making vet visits, but this dog has still managed to steal my heart.  So much so that I'm going to bat for her.

Nellie loves other dogs so it makes sense that one of her favorite things is going to dog parks.  But what I found out was although Nellie loves dog parks, dog parks apparently don't love southern Prince George's County, Maryland, where we live.  We have not one dog park.

If you've been reading my blog for any length of time, you know I'm fed up with PG County's tax rate in relation to the amount of, or lack thereof, amenities we receive. I think one of my neighbors summed it up best in an online forum, "More nice facilities attract a better crowd for our community! More dog parks, less liquor stores!"  

I contacted our region's Maryland Park and Planning representative to complain. He said this is a problem they're aware of, they have dog park planning consultant in mind, but they need to have money budgeted for it during their annual budget meeting occurring the end of September.  He welcomed me and my neighbors to the meeting to voice our opinion and hopefully convince the board to budget a decent amount of funds to a dog park.

Since speaking to our representative, I've asked some neighbors with stories of being made to feel unwelcome in dog parks in other communities to attend the meeting.  I also recognize many people will not be able to attend the meeting, so I've started a petition so their support will also be recognized.

If you live in our area, please sign the petition and share it with your neighbors. And everybody join me in welcoming Nellie to the fam. 

~ With ♥ from Halima

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