Posted by : Unknown Monday, January 30, 2006

Most Americans are under the impression that education will greatly improve their standard of living. I am not sure if this is true anymore. When Hurricane Katrina struck, a lot of people thought race was the determining factor in how quickly affected residents received aid. I think people have to be extremely careful when using the race card; 95 percent of the time, it is used incorrectly. I've said it before and I'll say it again, socioeconomics was the determining factor during this disaster and in most decisions made by people in power. Americans might as well be living in a caste system. Think about it. In the past, higher education meant a career and a lush lifestyle. At the same time, only the well off could afford to send their children to college. In modern times, scholarships, loans, etc. allow for most anybody to attend institutions of higher learning. All of a sudden, an undergrad degree has lost its value because a lacking job market is offering only jobs that graduates may have gotten before receiving their degrees. As a result, people who really couldn't afford college to begin with are stuck repaying loans for 15 years while earning an average salary. I'm not saying that education is bad or that your status will in no way improve, I'm just saying that it probably won't give you elite status. So, the rich remain in the top percentile because there aren't any newcomers and the rest of us continue with our daily grind. And to top it off, we're pitted against each other by an illusion of racial supremecy. So, while members of the working class are busy fighting to grasp anything that may distinguish them, even something as trivial as the color of their skin, the rich and famous are united in enjoying life and ensuring that they continue to enjoy life. Is it safe to say that our reality is fabricated by those in power?? Oh yeah, did anyone else hear that gas companies made a $36 billion profit in 2005 (up from $11 billion in 2004) I thought the American people were told that increased gas prices were a result of a shortage caused in part by Katrina. I didn't major in economics but I thought the law of supply and demand wouldn't allow for a $25 billion increase in profits...

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