Posted by : Unknown Monday, December 16, 2013

I pulled it off and managed to finish one more crochet project this season!! Sorry my limited photography skills don't do these justice, but they're red, gold and green bell door hangers.  I made a set for the front door and another set for the back door. I even managed to find some jingle bells online, so when the doors open, there's the cutest, little tinkling sound.
We'll see how long these last with Giselle around *laughter* she's really into all the decorations and loves anything with a bell.
And because that photo wasn't the most flattering, a cute Giselle pic for the masses.
Well, this is the final post in my Crocheted Christmas series. I am working on another crochet project, but I'm pretty sure it won't be done in time for Christmas. Seems like everybody liked the series (A Crocheted Christmas and A Crocheted Christmas Part 2), so I'll try to remember to do it again next year.
Until next time, ♥ from Halima

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